Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Print on fabric? Yes, you can!

Did you know that you can print on fabric? Well, you can! It's super easy!
Go HERE to learn how!

For these pictures, I wanted a  black and white checked "matt" so I had some scrap black and white fabric and I sprayed the Elmer's spray adhesive to the piece of board that came in the frames and stuck the black and white fabric to the board. Then I placed the bird picture (I left the fabric on the card stock) on top of the black and white check fabric using double stick tape. Then simply place it in the frame.  Now it looks like there is a fabric matt board around the picture!
*By the way, I got the frames on clearance for $3.00 each at Hobby Lobby! They didn't have glass in them so I bought the pre-cut glass for $6.00 each. If I had to have them cut the glass for me it would've been $9.00 each for each so be sure you check to see if they have the size you want pre-cut and packaged! Since I used scrap fabric and card stock I already had the total for this project was $18.00 for two pictures! Not bad!!

Close up of the picture setting ON TOP
 of the black and white fabric.

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